Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 4 (December 2021) Webinar Note: Humanitarian Entanglements: A Report on Recent Research on Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Refugees, and the Legacies of National Socialism, November 4, 2021 By Alain Epp Weaver, MCC Since…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 4 (December 2021) Conference Report: “Let Us Solace Ourselves with Love:” Women, Religion, and Emotions in Modern Germany, German Studies Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN and Virtual, September 30-October 3, 2021 By Martina Cucchiara, Bluffton University…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 4 (December 2021) Conference Report: “Nazi Germany, International Protestantism, and the German Churches,” German Studies Association Annual Conference, Indianapolis, IN and virtual, October 1, 2021. By Blake McKinney, Texas Baptist College After a…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Letter from the Editors (September 2021) By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Dear Friends, In the midst of another busy beginning to the new academic year in many of our universities,…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of Hagen Markwardt, Fruszina Müller and Bettina Westfeld, eds., Konfession und Wohlfahrt im Nationalsozialismus: Beispiele aus Mittel- und Ostdeutschland (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2021). 372 pages. ISBN 978-3-428-15753-2. By…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of Wilfried Loth, “Freiheit und Würde des Volkes:” Katholizismus und Demokratie in Deutschland, Religion und Moderne, Vol. 13 (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2018). ISBN 978-3-593-50838-2. By Martin R. Menke,…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of Holy Silence, directed and produced by Steven Pressman (Seventh Art, 2020) Rebecca Carter-Chand, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum* * The views expressed are those of the author and…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of Robert Braun, Protectors of Pluralism: Religious Minorities and the Rescue of Jews in the Low Countries during the Holocaust (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). By Rebecca Carter-Chand, United…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of Fergus Butler-Gallie, Priests de la Resistance! The Loose Canons Who Fought Fascism in the Twentieth Century (London: Oneworld Publications, 2020). 273 pages. ISBN: 9781786078308. By Beth A. Griech-Polelle,…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of Carsten Linden and Craig Nessan, Paul Leo. Lutherischer Pastor mit jüdischen Wurzeln (1893–1958) (Nordhausen: Traugott Bautz, 2019). 86 pages. ISBN 978-3-95948-453-4. By Dirk Schuster, University of Vienna /…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Review of John A. Moses, Anglicanism: Catholic Evangelical or Evangelical Catholic? Essays Ecumenical and Polemical. A Homage to Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Hans Küng, Martin Luther and John Henry Newman (Adelaide: ATF…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 3 (September 2021) Webinar Announcement: The Holocaust-Era Archives of Pope Pius XII: The State of the Question The Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College, the International Institute for Holocaust Research at Yad…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 2 (June 2021) Letter from the Editors (June 2021) By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Dear Friends, Once again, the editors of Contemporary Church History Quarterly are pleased to present a new issue of book reviews…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 2 (June 2021) Review of Jonathan Huener, The Polish Catholic Church under German Occupation. The Reichsgau Wartheland 1939-1945 (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2021). 353 pages. Cloth $90.00, ISBN: 978-025305402-9; Paperback $42.00, ISBN:…