Architectural and Website Note: “Lernort Garnisonkirche” (“Potsdam Garrison Church Site of Learning”)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 4 (December 2021) Architectural and Website Note: “Lernort Garnisonkirche” (“Potsdam Garrison Church Site of Learning”) By Philipp Oswalt, Universität Kassel; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University The tower of the Potsdam Garrison Church,…

Review of Matthias Grünzig, Für Deutschtum und Vaterland. Die Potsdamer Garnisonkirche im 20. Jahrhundert
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 24, Number 2 (June 2018) Review of Matthias Grünzig, Für Deutschtum und Vaterland. Die Potsdamer Garnisonkirche im 20. Jahrhundert (Berlin: Metropol, 2017). Pp. 383. ISBN: 978-3-86331-296-1. By Doris L. Bergen, University of Toronto Für Deutschtum und…
1933 as a Protestant Experience and the “Day of Potsdam”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 23, Number 1/2 (June 2017) 1933 as a Protestant Experience and the “Day of Potsdam” By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Lecture at the joint meeting of the…