Nachruf auf den Historiker Thomas Großbölting
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Nachruf auf den Historiker Thomas Großbölting By Manfred Gailus, Technischen Universität Berlin Die Nachricht war ein schwerer Schock: Am 11. Februar stieß in Hamburg-Harburg ein ICE mit einem schwer beladenen…
“The New Testament is the most anti-Jewish book in the whole world.” Christian Antisemitism in the 20th Century
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) “The New Testament is the most anti-Jewish book in the whole world.” Christian Antisemitism in the 20th Century By Manfred Gailus, Technischen Universität Berlin; Translated by Lauren Faulkner Rossi, with the assistance…

Review of Helge-Fabien Hertz, Evangelische Kirchen im Nationalsozialismus. Kollektivbiografische Untersuchung der schleswig-holsteinischen Pastorenschaft
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 2 (Summer 2024) Review of Helge-Fabien Hertz, Evangelische Kirchen im Nationalsozialismus. Kollektivbiografische Untersuchung der schleswig-holsteinischen Pastorenschaft (Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2022). ISBN: 9783110760835; 1,778 pp. Reviewed for H-Soz-Kult by Manfred Gailus, Technische Universität…
The Old Picture Is No Longer Valid: Why the Time Is Ripe for a Reassessment of the Ecclesiastical Figure of the Century, Otto Dibelius
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 28, Number 1/2 (Spring/Summer 2022) The Old Picture Is No Longer Valid: Why the Time Is Ripe for a Reassessment of the Ecclesiastical Figure of the Century, Otto Dibelius By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of…

Review of Robert M. Zoske, Sophie Scholl: “Es reut mich nichts.” Porträt einer Widerständigen
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 4 (December 2021) Review of Robert M. Zoske, Sophie Scholl: “Es reut mich nichts.” Porträt einer Widerständigen (Berlin: Propyläen Verlag, 2020), 448 pages. By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle…
Article: “Simultaneously Devout Christian and Antisemite: The Tübingen Theologian and ‘Jewish Researcher’ Gerhard Kittel”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Article: “Simultaneously Devout Christian and Antisemite: The Tübingen Theologian and ‘Jewish Researcher’ Gerhard Kittel” By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University This article was…
Fierce Culture Wars Over Three Construction Projects in the German Capital Region
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 26, Number 3 (September 2020) Fierce Culture Wars Over Three Construction Projects in the German Capital Region By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Dr. Manfred Gailus is an…
Was There a Religious Revival in the “Third Reich”?
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Was There a Religious Revival in the “Third Reich”? By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University This article was originally published in Tagesspiegel, November…
Book Note: Against the Mainstream of the Hitler Era: The Wuppertal Reformed Theologian Helmut Hesse (1916-1943)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 1 (March 2019) Book Note: Against the Mainstream of the Hitler Era: The Wuppertal Reformed Theologian Helmut Hesse (1916-1943) By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University The…
The Great Silence: How the Churches Behaved When the Synagogues Burned in November 1938
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 24, Number 4 (December 2018) The Great Silence: How the Churches Behaved When the Synagogues Burned in November 1938 By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University This article was…
Shrill Bell Ringing
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 24, Number 2 (June 2018) Shrill Bell Ringing With “Hitler Bells,” Protestant churches backed the “Führer.” Many still ring today. By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University This article…
Luther’s Evil Writings
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 23, Number 3 (September 2017) Luther’s Evil Writings The reformer was not only anti-Jewish, but also antisemitic. So he was understood in the Nazi era, too. By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen,…
1933 as a Protestant Experience and the “Day of Potsdam”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 23, Number 1/2 (June 2017) 1933 as a Protestant Experience and the “Day of Potsdam” By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Lecture at the joint meeting of the…

Review of Christoph Picker, Gabriele Stueber, Klaus Buemlein, and Frank-Matthias Hofmann, eds., Protestanten ohne Protest: Die evangelische Kirche der Pfalz im Nationalsozialismus
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 22, Number 3 (September 2016) Review of Christoph Picker, Gabriele Stueber, Klaus Buemlein, and Frank-Matthias Hofmann, eds., Protestanten ohne Protest: Die evangelische Kirche der Pfalz im Nationalsozialismus, 2 Vols. (Speyer and Leipzig: Verlagshaus Speyer and Evangelische…