Letter from the Editors (March 2021)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Letter from the Editors (March 2021) By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Dear Friends, After a hiatus in December 2020, the editorial team of Contemporary Church History Quarterly is pleased to offer…
Public Lecture: “‘The Church is not Afraid of History’: The Opening of the Vatican Archives, 1939-1958”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Public Lecture: “‘The Church is not Afraid of History’: The Opening of the Vatican Archives, 1939-1958” By: Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum This lecture, the Hal Israel Endowed…
Article: “Simultaneously Devout Christian and Antisemite: The Tübingen Theologian and ‘Jewish Researcher’ Gerhard Kittel”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Article: “Simultaneously Devout Christian and Antisemite: The Tübingen Theologian and ‘Jewish Researcher’ Gerhard Kittel” By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University This article was…

Review of Olaf Blaschke and Thomas Großbölting, eds., Was glaubten die Deutschen zwischen 1933 and 1945? Religion und Politik im Nationalsozialismus
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Review of Olaf Blaschke and Thomas Großbölting, eds., Was glaubten die Deutschen zwischen 1933 and 1945? Religion und Politik im Nationalsozialismus (Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 2020). 540 pages. ISBN…

Review of Klaus Vondung, Paths to Salvation: The National Socialist Religion
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Review of Klaus Vondung, Paths to Salvation: The National Socialist Religion, trans. William Petropulos (St Augustine’s Press: South Bend, Indiana, 2019). 168 Pp. ISBN: 978-1-58731-656-2. By Samuel Koehne, Trinity Grammar…

Review of Father Chester Fabisiak, S.J., Memories of a Devil: My Life as a Jesuit in Dachau
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Review of Father Chester Fabisiak, S.J., Memories of a Devil: My Life as a Jesuit in Dachau (Coppell, TX: Dr. Danuta B. Fabisiak, 2018). 430 Pp. ISBN: 978-1732117006. By Beth…

Review of David Rice, I Will Not Serve: The Priest Who Said NO to Hitler
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Review of David Rice, I Will Not Serve: The Priest Who Said NO to Hitler (Dublin: Mentor Books, 2018). ISBN: 978-1-912514-04-5. By Lauren Faulkner Rossi, Simon Fraser University In the…
Research Report: Ben Goossen on Mennonites, Nazism, and the Holocaust
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Research Report: Ben Goossen on Mennonites, Nazism, and the Holocaust By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Since the publication of his widely acclaimed history of Mennonite identity, Chosen Nation: Mennonites and Germany…

Webinar Announcement: The Opening of the Pius XII Archive and Holocaust Research
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Webinar Announcement: The Opening of the Pius XII Archive and Holocaust Research By Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum The American Catholic Historical Association is holding a webinar entitled…
Call for Editors
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 27, Number 1 (March 2021) Call for Editors The editors of Contemporary Church History Quarterly would like to invite applications for up to five new positions on the editorial team. We would welcome scholars who…