Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) Review of Sonya Grypma, China Interrupted. Japanese Internment and the Reshaping of a Canadian Missionary Community (Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012), xvi + 305 Pp., ISBN 9781554586451. By…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) Crosses and Swastikas By Manfred Gailus, Technische Universität Berlin The following article was written to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Nazi seizure of power. It was published in Der…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) Catholicism, Dictatorship and the World at War: The Significance of Cardinal Hinsley, 1935-1943 By Andrew Chandler, University of Chichester This month brings the seventieth anniversary of the death of Cardinal…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) Editorial: Pope Benedict XVI: The Humble servant of the Lord, or God’s Policeman? By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia The sudden and totally unexpected announcement on Monday 10…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) Conference Report: Catholicism in Germany: Contemporary History and the Present (Katholizismus in Deutschland – Zeitgeschichte und Gegenwart), October 26 – 27, 2012, Katholische Akademie in Bayern By Mark Edward Ruff,…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) Conference Report: German Studies Association Conference, October 4-7, 2012, Milwaukee, Wisconsin By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University College Once again this past year, the German Studies Association conference included a number…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 1 (March 2013) New Sources on the Roman Catholic Church and the Holocaust: Summer Research Workshop for Scholars, August 13-24, 2012, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC By Mark…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 18, Number 4 (December 2012) Letter from the Editors: December 2012 Dear Friends, We are pleased to relaunch our new-look journal this month, with a new WordPress platform and a new name: Contemporary Church History…

Review of Frank J. Coppa, The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII: Between Diplomacy and Morality
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 18, Number 4 (December 2012) Review of Frank J. Coppa, The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII: Between Diplomacy and Morality (New York: Peter Lang, 2011). By Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum…

Review of Andrew Chandler, ed., The Church and Humanity: The Life and Work of George Bell, 1883-1958
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 18, Number 4 (December 2012) Review of Andrew Chandler, ed., The Church and Humanity: The Life and Work of George Bell, 1883-1958. (Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2012), Pp. xvi + 227, ISBN 978-14094-25564. By…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 18, Number 4 (December 2012) Review of Hildegard Frisius, Marianne Kälberer, Wolfgang G. Krogel, Gerlind Lachenicht, Frauke Lemmel, eds., Evangelisch getauft – als Juden verfolgt. Spurensuche Berliner Kirchengemeinden (Berlin: Wichern–Verlag, 2008), 452 Pp. By Manfred Gailus, Technische…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 18, Number 4 (December 2012) Review of Sean Brennan, The Politics of Religion in Soviet-Occupied Germany: The Case of Berlin-Brandenburg, 1945-1949 (New York, NY: Lexington Books, 2011), 235 Pp. By Beth A. Griech-Polelle, Bowling Green State…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 18, Number 4 (December 2012) Review of Norbert Friedrich, Uwe Kaminsky, and Roland Löffler, eds., The Social Dimension of Christian Missions in the Middle East. Historical studies of the 19th and 20th Centuries (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2010), 252…