Letter from the Editors (December 2019)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Letter from the Editors (December 2019) By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Dear Friends, Although this issue of Contemporary Church History Quarterly has been somewhat delayed, we believe the content will be worth…
Was There a Religious Revival in the “Third Reich”?
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Was There a Religious Revival in the “Third Reich”? By Manfred Gailus, Technical University of Berlin; translated by Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University This article was originally published in Tagesspiegel, November…

Review of Dietz Bering, Luther im Fronteinsatz. Propagandastrategien im Ersten Weltkrieg
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Review of Dietz Bering, Luther im Fronteinsatz. Propagandastrategien im Ersten Weltkrieg (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2018). Pp. 229. By Doris L. Bergen, University of Toronto Sometime in the late 1980s, when I…

Review of Sabine Arend and Insa Eschebach, eds., Ravensbrück: Christliche Frauen im Konzentrationslager 1939-1945
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Review of Sabine Arend and Insa Eschebach, eds., Ravensbrück: Christliche Frauen im Konzentrationslager 1939-1945 (Berlin: Metropol, 2018). Pp. 294. ISBN: 9783863313821. By Christina Matzen, University of Toronto Ravensbrück: Christliche Frauen…

Review of Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer on Resistance: The Word against the Wheel
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Review of Michael P. DeJonge, Bonhoeffer on Resistance: The Word against the Wheel (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018). 170 Pp. ISBN: 9780198824176. By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Michael P. DeJonge’s…
Research Note: Opening of the Vatican archives, 1939-1958 Period
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Research Note: Opening of the Vatican archives, 1939-1958 Period By Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum* On March 2, 2020, one of the most important Holocaust-related archives in the…
Conference Report: Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte Conference, Lund, Sweden, September 25-26, 2019
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Conference Report: Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte Conference, Lund, Sweden, September 25-26, 2019 By Robert P. Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University (retired) Professor Anders Jarlert of Lund University in Sweden hosted an international conference…
Article Note: Rainer Decker, “Bischof Alois Hudal und die Judenrazzia in Rom am 16. Oktober 1943”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Article Note: Rainer Decker, “Bischof Alois Hudal und die Judenrazzia in Rom am 16. Oktober 1943,” Römische Quartalschrift für Christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 113:3-4 (2018), 233-255. By Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United…
Conference Report: “Soldiers, Sex, Chaplains, and Horses: A Panel on the Wehrmacht in Honor of Gerhard L. Weinberg”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Conference Report: “Soldiers, Sex, Chaplains, and Horses: A Panel on the Wehrmacht in Honor of Gerhard L. Weinberg,” German Studies Association, Portland, OR, October 2019. By Christina Matzen, University of…
Call for Applications: Confronting Difficult Issues around Religion and the Holocaust
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 4 (December 2019) Call for Applications: Confronting Difficult Issues around Religion and the Holocaust June 15–19, 2020 Application deadline: February 14, 2020 The Programs on Ethics, Religion, and the Holocaust of the United…

Letter from the Editors (September 2019)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 3 (September 2019) Letter from the Editors (September 2019) By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to present the newest issue of reviews and notes related to contemporary…

Review of Paul Hanebrink, A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 3 (September 2019) Review of Paul Hanebrink, A Specter Haunting Europe: The Myth of Judeo-Bolshevism (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2018). 284 Pp. ISBN: 9780674047686. By Beth A. Griech-Polelle,…

Review of Karl-Joseph Hummel and Michael Kißener, eds., Catholics and Third Reich: Controversies and Debates
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 3 (September 2019) Review of Karl-Joseph Hummel and Michael Kißener, eds., Catholics and Third Reich: Controversies and Debates, translated by Christof Morrisey (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018), 315 Pp., ISBN: 9783506787866. By Kevin P….

Review of Anita Rasi May, Patriot Priests: French Catholic Clergy and National Identity in World War I
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 25, Number 3 (September 2019) Review of Anita Rasi May, Patriot Priests: French Catholic Clergy and National Identity in World War I (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018), X + 162 Pp., ISBN: 9780806159089….