Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Letter from the Editors (Spring 2025) By Lauren Faulkner Rossi, Simon Fraser University Dear Friends, Since my last missive, many events have prompted me to remember lines from a Yeats…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Thomas Großbölting in Memorium By Mark Edward Ruff, Saint Louis University The fields of German history and religious history suffered a devastating and irreplaceable loss on February 11, 2025. The…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Nachruf auf den Historiker Thomas Großbölting By Manfred Gailus, Technischen Universität Berlin Die Nachricht war ein schwerer Schock: Am 11. Februar stieß in Hamburg-Harburg ein ICE mit einem schwer beladenen…
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) “The New Testament is the most anti-Jewish book in the whole world.” Christian Antisemitism in the 20th Century By Manfred Gailus, Technischen Universität Berlin; Translated by Lauren Faulkner Rossi, with the assistance…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Review of Alexander Lamprecht, Zwischen Seelsorge und Diktatur: Südtirols Kirche in der NS-Zeit. Bozen (Bolzano): Athesia Verlag, 2019. 299 pp. By Martin Menke, Rivier University This volume is a revised…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Review of Gerlinde von Westphalen, Lady Abbess. Benedicta von Spiegel—Politische Ordensfrau in der NS-Zeit. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2022. By Martina Cucchiara, Bluffton University In over five hundred pages, this hefty…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Film Review of Zwischen uns Gott, Directed by Rebecca Hirneise (Ruth Beckermann Filmproduktion, 2024) By Dirk Schuster, University of Vienna Zwischen uns Gott (Between Us God), the title of the…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 31, Number 1 (Spring 2025) Review of Andreas Pangritz, Die Schattenseite des Christentums. Theologie und Antisemitismus. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2023. Dirk Schuster, University of Vienna Theology and antisemitism: to be honest, the subtitle of the book…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 4 (Winter 2024) Letter from the Editors (Winter 2024) By Lauren Faulkner Rossi, Simon Fraser University Dear Friends, Very warm Christmas greetings to our readers! Once again I bring our issue to post…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 4 (Winter 2024) Film Review: Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Spy, Assassin, directed by Todd Komarnicki (Angel Studios, 2024) By Christopher Probst, Washington University in St. Louis, Continuing & Professional Studies Introduction On the morning of April…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 4 (Winter 2024) Review of David I. Kertzer, The Pope at War. The Secret History of Pius XII, Mussolini, and Hitler (New York: Random House, 2022). ISBN: 978-0812989946. By Martina Cucchiara, Bluffton University…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 4 (Winter 2024) Review of Marshall J. Breger and Herbert R. Reginbogin, eds., The Vatican and Permanent Neutrality (Lanham, Boulder, New York, and London: Lexington Books, 2022). ISBN: 978-1-7936-4216-5 By Gerald J. Steinacher, University…

Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 4 (Winter 2024) Review of Keith W. Clements, J.H. Oldham and George Bell: Ecumenical Pioneers (Fortress Press, 2022), pp. xv + 235. ISBN: 9781506470009. By Andrew Chandler, University of Chichester The distinguished British…