Letter from the Editors: December 2011
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Letter from the Editors: December 2011 It was exactly seventy years ago that the Bishop of Chichester, George Bell, took the striking step of writing a Christmas message to be broadcast by the…

Review of Ulrich Bräuel und Stefan Samerski, eds., Ein Bischof vor Gericht: Der Prozeß gegen den Danziger Bischof Carl Maria Splett 1946
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Review of Ulrich Bräuel und Stefan Samerski, eds., Ein Bischof vor Gericht: Der Prozeß gegen den Danziger Bischof Carl Maria Splett 1946 (Osnabrück: fibre Verlag, 2005), 313pp. ISBN: 3-929759-98-5. By Diana Jane Beech, University of…

Review of Daniel Heinz, ed., Freikirchen und Juden im “Dritten Reich”: Instrumentalisierte Heilsgeschichte, antisemitische Vorurteile und verdrängte Schuld
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Review of Daniel Heinz, ed., Freikirchen und Juden im “Dritten Reich”: Instrumentalisierte Heilsgeschichte, antisemitische Vorurteile und verdrängte Schuld (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, 2011), 344pp. ISBN: 978-3-89971-690-0. By Rebecca Carter-Chand, University of Toronto This volume…

Review of Margaret Ford, ed., An Evangelical Family Revealed: The Bickersteth & Monier-Williams Letters & Diaries 1880-1918
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Review of Margaret Ford, ed., An Evangelical Family Revealed: The Bickersteth & Monier-Williams Letters & Diaries 1880-1918 (York: Ford Publishing, 2010), ISBN 9780956721808. By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia Ecclesiastical biographies are no…

Review of Roger P. Minert, In Harm’s Way. East German Latter-day Saints in World War II
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Review of Roger P. Minert, In Harm’s Way. East German Latter-day Saints in World War II (Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009) 545 pp. ISBN 878-0-8425-2746-0. By John S. Conway, University of…
Article Note: Roman Catholics and the Establishment of the Third Reich
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Article Note: Roman Catholics and the Establishment of the Third Reich Larry Eugene Jones, “Franz von Papen, Catholic Conservatives, and the Establishment of the Third Reich, 1933-1934,” Journal of Modern History 83, no….
Article Note: Keith Robbins, “Contextualizing the ‘New Reformation’. John A. T. Robinson and the Church of England in the early Sixties”
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Article Note: Keith Robbins, “Contextualizing the ‘New Reformation’. John A. T. Robinson and the Church of England in the early Sixties,” Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte 23 no. 2 (2010): 428-446. By John S. Conway, University of British…
Journal issue: Religion, State and Society 39, no. 1 (March 2011). The Changing Nature of Military Chaplaincy
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Journal issue: Religion, State and Society 39, no. 1 (March 2011). The Changing Nature of Military Chaplaincy. By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia This whole issue is devoted to the topic: The Changing Nature…
Conference Announcement: 5th Annual Powell and Heller Family Conference on Holocaust Education, Pacific Lutheran University
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 4, December 2011 Conference Announcement: 5th Annual Powell and Heller Family Conference on Holocaust Education, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, March 8-9, 2012. By Robert P. Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University Bob Ericksen would like to announce that…