Review of Keith W. Clements, J.H. Oldham and George Bell: Ecumenical Pioneers
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 30, Number 4 (Winter 2024) Review of Keith W. Clements, J.H. Oldham and George Bell: Ecumenical Pioneers (Fortress Press, 2022), pp. xv + 235. ISBN: 9781506470009. By Andrew Chandler, University of Chichester The distinguished British…

Review of Keith Clements, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ecumenical Quest
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 21, Number 3 (September 2015) Review of Keith Clements, Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Ecumenical Quest (Geneva: World Council of Churches Publications, 2015), 326 Pp. ISBN 978-2-8254-1656-3. By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia Keith Clements is…
Conference Report: XI International Bonhoeffer Congress, Sigtuna, Sweden, June 27-July 1, 2012
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 18, No. 3, September 2012 Conference Report: XI International Bonhoeffer Congress, Sigtuna, Sweden, June 27-July 1, 2012 By Keith Clements We are grateful to Dr. Keith Clements for the following conference report. Dr. Clements was general secretary…

Book Note: Victims of Nazism: Bonhoeffer and Jägerstätter
ACCH Quarterly Vol. 15, No. 2, June 2010 Book Note: Victims of Nazism: Bonhoeffer and Jägerstätter By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia Keith Clements, The SPCK Introduction to Bonhoeffer (London: SPCK, 2010), 106 pp. ISBN: 978-0-281-06086-3. Jeffrey C. Pugh,…
December 2008 Newsletter
Association of Contemporary Church Historians (Arbeitsgemeinschaft kirchlicher Zeitgeschichtler) John S. Conway, Editor. University of British Columbia December 2008— Vol. XIV, no. 12 Dear Friends, We are already in the Advent season and are now looking forward to the Christmas celebration of…