Letter from the Editors: December 2013
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Letter from the Editors: December 2013 By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University College Dear friends, It is with pleasure that we release our latest issue of Contemporary Church History Quarterly. In it…

Review of Robert A. Ventresca, Soldier of Christ: The Life of Pope Pius XII
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of Robert A. Ventresca, Soldier of Christ: The Life of Pope Pius XII (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013), 405 pp. ISBN: 978-0-674-04961-1. By Kevin P. Spicer, C.S.C., Stonehill College…

Review of Peter Eisner, The Pope’s Last Crusade. How an American Jesuit helped Pope Pius XI’s campaign to stop Hitler
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of Peter Eisner, The Pope’s Last Crusade. How an American Jesuit helped Pope Pius XI’s campaign to stop Hitler (New York: Harper Collins 2013), 292 Pp. ISBN 978-6-06-204914-8. By John…

Review of John Connelly, From Enemy to Brother. The revolution in Catholic teaching on the Jews 1933-1965
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of John Connelly, From Enemy to Brother. The revolution in Catholic teaching on the Jews 1933-1965 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2012), Pp 376. ISNB 978-0-674-05782-1. By John S. Conway, University…

Review of Steven M. Schroeder, To Forget It All and Begin Anew: Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1944-1954
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of Steven M. Schroeder, To Forget It All and Begin Anew: Reconciliation in Occupied Germany, 1944-1954 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013), 237 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4426-1399-7. By Matthew D….

Review of Thomas Grossbölting, Der verlorene Himmel. Glaube in Deutschland seit 1945
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of Thomas Grossbölting, Der verlorene Himmel. Glaube in Deutschland seit 1945 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2013), Pp. 320. By Manfred Gailus, Technische Universität Berlin This review appeared originally (in German) in Der…

Review of Michael Wermke, ed., Transformation und religiöse Erziehung: Kontinuitäten und Brüche der Religionspädagogik 1933 und 1945
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of Michael Wermke, ed., Transformation und religiöse Erziehung: Kontinuitäten und Brüche der Religionspädagogik 1933 und 1945 (Jena: IKS Garamond, 2011), 390 pp. ISBN 978-3941854376. Heath A. Spencer, Seattle University Standard…

Review of David Bankier, Dan Michman, Iael Nidam-Orvieto, Pius XII and the Holocaust: Current State of Research
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2013) Review of David Bankier, Dan Michman, Iael Nidam-Orvieto, Pius XII and the Holocaust: Current State of Research (Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2012). By Jacques Kornberg, University of Toronto This book, on an enduring…

Letter from the Editors: September 2013
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 3 (September 2013) Letter from the Editors: September 2013 By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University College Dear friends, It is always a joy for me to announce the publication of a new issue of Contemporary…

Review of Dietz Lange, Nathan Söderblom und seine Zeit
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 3 (September 2013) Review of Dietz Lange, Nathan Söderblom und seine Zeit (Göttingen and Oakville, CT, USA: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011), Pp 480, ISBN 978-3-525-5701-5. By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia…

Review of Daniel Gawthrop, The trial of Pope Benedict. Joseph Ratzinger and the Vatican’s Assault on Reason, Compassion and Human Dignity
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 3 (September 2013) Review of Daniel Gawthrop, The trial of Pope Benedict. Joseph Ratzinger and the Vatican’s Assault on Reason, Compassion and Human Dignity (Vancouver. B.C.: Arsenal Pulp Press, 2013), 315 Pp, ISBN…

Reflections on the Indian Residential Schools and the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 19, Number 3 (September 2013) Reflections on the Indian Residential Schools and the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada By Steven Schroeder, University of the Fraser Valley The Truth and Reconciliation Commission…