Conference Report: “Not Without the Old Testament”: The Importance of the Hebrew Bible for Christianity and Judaism, French Church of Friedrichstadt, Berlin, 8-10 December 2015
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 22, Number 3 (September 2016) Conference Report: “Not Without the Old Testament”: The Importance of the Hebrew Bible for Christianity and Judaism, French Church of Friedrichstadt, Berlin, 8-10 December 2015 By Gerhard Naber, Nordhorn, and…

Review of Manfred Gailus, ed., Täter und Komplizen in Theologie und Kirchen 1933-1945
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 22, Number 1 (March 2016) Review of Manfred Gailus, ed., Täter und Komplizen in Theologie und Kirchen 1933-1945 (Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2015). Pp. 260. ISBN 9783835316492. By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University Manfred Gailus’ newest contribution…