Letter from the Editors: March 2014
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Letter from the Editors: March 2014 By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University College Dear Friends, I am pleased to introduce the newest issue of Contemporary Church History Quarterly. Several production delays have…

Review of Alister Chapman, Godly Ambition: John Stott and the Evangelical Movement
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Review of Alister Chapman, Godly Ambition: John Stott and the Evangelical Movement (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 222 Pp., ISBN 978-0-19-977357-8. By John S. Conway, University of British Columbia John…
Public Lecture: “November 1938: Perspectives from the Vatican Archives”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Public Lecture: “November 1938: Perspectives from the Vatican Archives,” The Wiener Library for the Study of Holocaust and Genocide, 23 October 2013. By Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum…
In Remembrance: Ernst Klee (1942-2013)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) In Remembrance: Ernst Klee (1942-2013) By Manfred Gailus, Technische Universität Berlin Ernst Klee, who died in May of last year, was a redoubtable investigative journalist and a noted non-academic historian…
Book Note: Elisabeth Sifton and Fritz Stern, No Ordinary Men. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Hans von Dohnanyi, Resisters against Hitler in Church and State
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Book Note: Elisabeth Sifton and Fritz Stern, No Ordinary Men. Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Hans von Dohnanyi, Resisters against Hitler in Church and State (New York: New York Review Books, 2013), Pp….
Article Note: Samuel Koehne, “Reassessing The Holy Reich: Leading Nazis’ Views on Confession, Community and ‘Jewish’ Materialism”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Article Note: Samuel Koehne, “Reassessing The Holy Reich: Leading Nazis’ Views on Confession, Community and ‘Jewish’ Materialism,” Journal of Contemporary History 48 No. 3 (July 2013): 423-445. By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University College…
Article Note: Nicholas Railton, “Escaping from Sodom: A Christian Jew Encounters German Antisemitism”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Article Note: Nicholas Railton, “Escaping from Sodom: A Christian Jew Encounters German Antisemitism,” Journal of Ecclesiastical History 64 (2013): 787-826. By Kevin P. Spicer, C.S.C., Stonehill College In his fascinating…
Memorial Speech: Dr. Margot Kaessmann on the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Elisabeth Schmitz
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) Memorial Speech: Dr. Margot Kaessmann on the 120th Anniversary of the Birth of Dr. Elisabeth Schmitz By Margot Kaessmann On 17 December 2013, the City of Berlin and the Evangelical…
New Research on Nazism and Christianity: William Skiles
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 20, Number 1 (March 2014) New Research on Nazism: William Skiles By William Skiles, University of California, San Diego William Skiles is a Ph.D Candidate in the History Department at the University of California, San…