Letter from the Editors (Fall 2023)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 29, Number 3/4 (Fall 2023) Letter from the Editors (Fall 2023) By Lauren Faulkner Rossi, Simon Fraser University Dear Friends, A very happy new year’s greeting to all readers of Contemporary Church History Quarterly! I…

Review of Doris L. Bergen, Between God and Hitler: Military Chaplains in Nazi Germany
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 29, Number 3/4 (Fall 2023) Review of Doris L. Bergen, Between God and Hitler: Military Chaplains in Nazi Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. By Martin Menke, Rivier University (mmenke@rivier.edu) Doris Bergen is the Chancellor Rose…
Conference Report: New Documents from the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII and their Meaning for Jewish-Christian Relations: A Dialogue between Historians and Theologians
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 29, Number 3/4 (Fall 2023) Conference Report: “New Documents from the Pontificate of Pope Pius XII and their Meaning for Jewish-Christian Relations: A Dialogue between Historians and Theologians,” Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, October 9-11, 2023…
Article Note: Gordon L. Heath, “Canadian Presbyterians and the Rejection of Pacifism in the Interwar Years, 1919-1939”
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 29, Number 3/4 (Fall 2023) Article Note: Gordon L. Heath, “Canadian Presbyterians and the Rejection of Pacifism in the Interwar Years, 1919-1939,” Journal of Presbyterian History, 98, no. 2 (Fall/Winter 2020), 66-77. By Kyle Jantzen,…
Conference Report: Otto Dibelius. New Research on a Protestant Figure of the Century
Contemporary Church History Quarterly Volume 29, Number 3/4 (Fall 2023) Conference Report: Otto Dibelius. New Research on a Protestant Figure of the Century By Michael Heymel, Independent Scholar and Central Archives of the Protestant Church in Hessen and Nassau (retired)…