
Mission and History

Contemporary Church History Quarterly exists to promote the study of contemporary German and European church history. It includes reviews of recently published books, notes on scholarly articles, as well as conference papers, information about upcoming scholarly events, news and views about current historical debates, encouragement for new scholars, and opportunity for interaction between professional academics and non-specialists from churches or the broader public.

Contemporary Church History Quarterly (2012-present, ISSN: 2291-0786) supersedes the ACCH Quarterly (2010-2012, ISSN: 1923-1725), which in turn superseded the long-standing monthly e-mail newsletter (1995-2009) published by the late Professor of History John S. Conway, University of British Columbia, on behalf of the Association of Contemporary Church Historians (Arbeitsgemeinschaft kirchlicher Zeitgeschichtler). Past issues of the ACCH Quarterly and Dr. Conway’s newsletter are archived here on the Contemporary Church History Quarterly site.


Bibliographic and formatting standards for Contemporary Church History Quarterly are based on the most recent Chicago Manual of Style, employing the footnote/bibliography citation style. The language of publication is English. American, Canadian, or British spelling is accepted.

Book reviews, article notes, and other contributions are normally written by members of the editorial board. At their discretion, they may invite for publication items written by other scholars. Items published in Contemporary Church History Quarterly undergo editorial review by a minimum of two editors.

Contemporary Church History Quarterly is a free journal that does not charge any fees for submission or publication.

Comments are welcome, but they are moderated and may be edited. No comments attacking the person of any contributor will be published, and no anonymous comments will be accepted.

Copyright policies may be found on the Copyright and Open Access page.

Editorial Team

For more information about individual editors, click on their names, which are (in most cases) linked to their institutional websites. Each editor’s current term is indicated in parentheses.

Executive Committee

Managing Editor

Dr. Lauren Faulkner Rossi, Simon Fraser University, Canada (2023-2025)

Associate Managing Editors

Dr. Rebecca Carter-Chand, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States
Dr. Mark Edward Ruff, Saint Louis University, United States

Production Editor

Dr. Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University, Canada (2023-2025)

Associate Editors

Dr. Suzanne Brown-Fleming, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, United States
Dr. Andrew Chandler, University of Chichester, United Kingdom
Dr. Martina Cucchiara, Bluffton University, United States
Dr. Robert Ericksen, Pacific Lutheran University (Emeritus), United States
Dr. Manfred Gailus, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Dr. Beth Griech-Polelle, Pacific Lutheran University, United States
Dr. Jonathan Huener, University of Vermont, United States
Dr. Björn Krondorfer, Northern Arizona University, United States
Dr. Blake McKinney, Texas Baptist College, United States
Dr. Martin Menke, Rivier University, United States
Dr. Maria Mitchell, Franklin & Marshall College, United States
Dr. Michael E. O’Sullivan, Marist College, United States
Dr. Christopher Probst, Washington University in St. Louis, University College, United States
Dr. Dirk Schuster, Universität Wien, Austria
Dr. Kevin Spicer, C.S.C., Stonehill College, United States
Dr. Gerald Steinacher, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, United States

Past Members of the Editorial Team

Dr. John S. Conway†, University of British Columbia, Canada (Founding Editor)
Dr. Randall Bytwerk, Calvin College
Dr. Steven Schroeder, University of the Fraser Valley
Dr. Victoria J. Barnett, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (retired), United States
Dr. Doris Bergen, University of Toronto, Canada
Dr. Heath Spencer, Seattle University, United States
Dr. Matthew D. Hockenos, Skidmore College, United States
Dr. Sarah Thieme, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Dr. Benedikt Brunner, Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Germany
Dr. Samuel Koehne, Trinity Grammar School, Australia


Contemporary Church History Quarterly is published with the support of Ambrose University, which hosts the journal and provides technical support.

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