Letter from the Editors (December 2016)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly
Volume 22, Number 4 (December 2016)
Letter from the Editors (December 2016)
By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University
Greetings friends,

Chichester Cathedral Source: Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chichester_Cathedral,_south-west_aspect.jpg)
In this Advent season, we are pleased to offer you a new issue of Contemporary Church History Quarterly. Our December issue features two reviews of books relating to Bishop George Bell of Chichester, highlighting his efforts on behalf of the ecumenical movement and his role as intermediary between the German Resistance. In the latter work, his contact was, famously, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, though Bell had already received much of the information Bonhoeffer would provide from the German Pastor Hans Schönfeld of the International Christian Social Institute in Geneva, who had also met Bell in Sweden, a few days before the Bell-Bonhoeffer encounter.
We are also happy to report on some current research relating to the religious history of the Nazi period and, more broadly, the twentieth century. Members of the editorial team and guest contributors have provided information about papers given at five conferences or symposia held in Europe and North America over the course of the summer and fall.
We trust that you will find these enlightening, and wish you a merry Christmas and happy new year.
On behalf of the entire editorial team,
Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University