Letter from the Editors (June 2016)
Contemporary Church History Quarterly
Volume 22, Number 2 (June 2016)
Letter from the Editors (June 2016)
By Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University
Greetings friends,

Memorial tablet to Dr. Friedrich Weissler, member of the Confessing Church murdered for his Jewish ancestry and participation in the 1936 Confessing Church protest memorandum to Hitler. Photo courtesy of Axel Mauruszat, https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gedenktafel_Friedrich_Weißler.jpg
As summer unfolds, we are pleased to issue our newest edition of the Contemporary Church History Quarterly. It is highlighted by a short editorial written by Matthew D. Hockenos, who considers the mixed legacy of the May 1936 Confessin Church memorandum to Hitler, which has just passed its 80th anniversary.
Accompanying this are four book reviews–three by the indefatigable John S. Conway, who examines new works on the Anglican Church, the ecumenical movement, and the German Christian Movement, and one by Victoria J. Barnett, who assesses a substantial study of the German churches of the postwar era and their relationship to the history of the destruction of the Jews. Two short article notes–one on Bonhoeffer and one on Nazi religious policy–round out our reviews this issue.
We hope you enjoy and are challenged by this scholarship on contemporary church history. We would love to hear any feedback you have, either through the comments section following each contribution, or via email to the managing editor at kjantzen@ambrose.edu.
On behalf of my editorial colleagues,
Kyle Jantzen, Ambrose University